International Festival of
and Ideas

International Festival of Arts and Ideas





The International Festival of Arts and Ideas is a festival in New Haven, Connecticut, that features world-class artists, thinkers, and leaders, attracting and engaging a broad and diverse audience, celebrating and building community.

I branded the festival's identity to highlight the intensity, enthusiasm, and creativity of the artists by juxtaposing a bright orange with black and white photography. Deliverables include a poster, event brochure, and homepage design. 

The International Festival of Arts and Ideas is a festival in New Haven, Connecticut, that features world-class artists, thinkers, and leaders, attracting and engaging a broad and diverse audience, celebrating and building community.

I branded the festival's identity to highlight the intensity, enthusiasm, and creativity of the artists by juxtaposing a bright orange with black and white photography. Deliverables include a poster, event brochure, and homepage design. 

The International Festival of Arts and Ideas is a festival in New Haven, Connecticut, that features world-class artists, thinkers, and leaders, attracting and engaging a broad and diverse audience, celebrating and building community.

I branded the festival's identity to highlight the intensity, enthusiasm, and creativity of the artists by juxtaposing a bright orange with black and white photography. Deliverables include a poster, event brochure, and homepage design. 

Artboard 6@2x